Adding wrappers to a shiny module to enable an ease of dynamically adding and removing modules within a shiny application.
makeModuleUIDestroyable(module_fn, wrapper = shiny::div)
An updated function call of `module_fn`.
For the UI, if the returned object from `module_fn` is a `shiny.tag` then an additional attribute will be added to the top-level HTML tag for {shiny.destroy} to reference when removing the UI. If the returned object is a `shiny.tag.list` then a wrapper tag will surround the module with the attribute to destroy the module.
For the server, each observer will be assigned to the `.shiny.destroy` list within `session$userData`. The returned object from the module remains the same as before.
# UI
basicModuleUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
actionButton("click", "Increase")
destroyableModuleUI <- makeModuleUIDestroyable(basicModuleUI)
# Server-side
basicMoudleServer <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
rv <- reactiveVal()
observeEvent(input$click, rv(input$click))
destroyableModuleServer <- makeModuleServerDestroyable(basicMoudleServer)
# Shiny Application
ui <- fluidPage(
destroyableModuleUI(id = "test"),
actionButton("destroy", "Destroy module"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
top_rv <- reactiveVal()
reactive_value <- destroyableModuleServer("test")
observeEvent(reactive_value(), top_rv(reactive_value()))
output$reactive_value <- renderText(top_rv())
observeEvent(input$destroy, destroyModule("test"))